How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone?

Do you want to know how to transfer contacts from android to iPhone? While Android is still king, iOS is a powerful platform, and at some point, you may want to switch over to the iPhone. We won’t judge! After all, there are some questions iOS does better than android. You will probably be required to transfer all your data over to your new phone, though.

This transition is often seamless, but it depends on which devices are involved. In this case, we’re talking about two completely different platforms, so that it might require a bit extra work. Here are the best ways to transport your contacts from Android to iOS!

How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone

Move to iOS app

Did you understand Apple has an Android app in the Google Play Store? Yes, Move to iOS is one of the Apple apps on Google’s storefront.

Move to iOS is determined to help Android users; well, move to iOS. Despite the somewhat poor studies, the application certainly does what it’s advertised to do. Apple loves inventing experiences easy and easy, and that is precisely what they accomplish with this data transfer entreaty.

Your measure and participation may vary, but you can easily transfer contacts, messages, photos, videos, bookmarks, email accounts, and programs straight to any iOS device when it finishes.

  1. Install the Move to iOS app on your Android machine.
  2. Open the app, follow instructions, and choose what you want to migrate.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Your new iPhone will produce a private Wi-Fi network. Let your iPhone combine with the Android device.
  5. Enter the security code and let the method run.
  6. Your content will be transported, and your iPhone will even download free apps you had on your Android device, given that they are achievable.

Use Google sync

While Apple is not traditionally fond of encouraging Android users, Google is the complete opposite. Most of the search giant’s services and backgrounds work very well on iPhones, and grabbing contacts from their servers is not the exception.

Do keep in understanding this only works if you already sync your contacts to your Google account. Some devices don’t do that by default. If you have been connecting all your contacts with Google’s servers, assigning contacts will be a breeze.

  1. Turn on your iPhone and open the Backgrounds app.
  2. Go to Mail.
  3. Preferred Accounts.
  4. Choose Add account.
  5. Enter your Gmail account and make positive the Contacts checker is on.
  6. Your contacts should now be on your phone!

Transfer contacts from android to iPhone manually using a VCF file

Don’t like bargaining with all that darn cloud stuff? We can understand. There are also ways to transport your contacts from Android devices to iOS ones manually. You can make a VCF file, assign it over to the iPhone and then open it to grab all your communication data. The process is more outspoken than it seems; let’s walk you through it.

  1. Unlock your Android device and source to the Contacts app.
  2. Hit the menu (three dots) button and choose Import/export > Export to storage. This step might be different depending on the phone you have. In my case (on an OnePlus device), I have to go to Contacts Manager and then scroll down to obtain Import/export.
  3. This will create a VCF file and protect it on your phone.
  4. Get this file on your iPhone. I like transferring it to myself via an email synced to the iOS device (simple, fast, and no cables required).
  5. Open the file, and the iOS project will prompt you to add all contacts.
  6. Follow the steps and be on your way. Your contacts have been transported!

Use your SIM card

Another way to transport your contacts from android to iOS is to manage your smartphone’s nano-SIM card. This is handy if you’re either having trouble including your Google account, are offline, or don’t want Google’s responsibility for whatever reason.

To transfer your contacts to the SIM card from your Android phone, you’ll first require to visit your phone’s contacts app. The process differs slightly depending on the company from here. For instance, Oneplus users should go to Contacts > tap on the three dots icon > Contact Manager > SIM card contacts > Survive SIM card contacts. Tap on the three dots icon at the top right monopoly and select Import from the phone.

Once you’ve inserted your Android phone’s SIM card into the iPhone and turned it on, you’ll need to hit Settings > Contacts > Import SIM Contacts to begin the assignment process. Your contacts should then be saved on the iPhone in Contacts.

Transfer contacts from android to iPhone with a third-party app

If you are possessing trouble with all other available solutions, several third-party apps can facilitate the method of switching to an iPhone. One of my preferences is Copy My Data (Android/iOS). Could you give it a look?

As you can see, there’s plenty of ways to get this taken responsibility of Keeping your contacts shouldn’t be challenging, so we are glad having multiple platforms isn’t stopping us too much. The process isn’t exactly straightforward, but you can do any of these without too much effort or research.


Q: Is switching from android to iPhone worth it?

A: Android phones are less regulated than iPhones. They are also less sleek in purpose than iPhones and have a lower quality display. Whether it is worth switching from android to iPhone is a function of secluded interest. The various features have been opposed to connecting the two of them.

Q: How do I transfer my apps to a new iPhone?

A: Turn on your new iPhone and follow the setup preparations. On the Apps & Data screen, tap “Restore from iCloud Backup.” When your iPhone asks you to sign in to iCloud, use the same Apple ID you used on your preceding iPhone.

Q: Is there an app to transfer data from Android to Android?

A: Another free app that allows transporting data from one Android device to another wirelessly and using a wire is Samsung Smart Switch.

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